Ward Yont

Ward Allan Yont & …and Purpose in Life: Spreading Enlightenment Behind Bars

Apr 6, 2020

with guest-host Ann Black

Ward Allan Yont developed a passion for firearms during his adolescence and thought of himself as a heroic vigilante with a mission to “keep the world safe.” In fact at age 16, he was lauded as a hero by the Phoenix, AZ, chief of police for intervening in an attempted robbery of two elderly women. After time in the Marines and a successful though brief stint at the famed Comedy Store in Hollywood, Ward became homeless and addicted to methamphetamine. He’s serving a life sentence for a murder he committed in 1993 while under its influence and in the midst of a psychotic break suffered after his mother died in a freak accident.

Shortly after being incarcerated in an Arizona state penitentiary, Ward discovered A Course in Miracles. For the past 25 years, he’s been an avid student and practitioner of that classic spiritual work, and is a prison-based facilitator and teacher of topics related to spiritual psychotherapy and metaphysics.

and Purpose in Life is a memoir about the events that led to his incarceration and subsequent spiritual transformation. In renowned educator, speaker and author Marianne Williamson’s words: “We can easily focus on the tragedies in Yont’s story, but there is no need to dwell there. For this is a story of resurrection and love—of darkness turned into light, and the transformation of the human heart. Yont is not a victim, but a teacher. He has lived his own story and now he illumines ours.”

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